영 어

In Search of Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth

[ESL] : Doctor's Office: Medical Care in the Com

2009-09-15 1517

반복 청취후 발음이 숙달되면, 끄고 큰소리로 본문을 읽어 보세요.

I was feeling a little under the weather the other day, so I decided to visit my doctor before things got worse.

I called her in the morning, and I made an appointment for 9:30 a.m.

When I arrived at her office, I had to fill out some insurance paperwork and a sheet describing my current medical condition, along with the symptoms I was feeling.

After a few minutes, the nurse called my name and took me back to one of their examination rooms.

She took my vital signs including my temperature and blood pressure, and then I waited until the doctor came in.

After looking me over and asking a few questions, the doctor's diagnosis was that I had a bacterial infection.
She wrote me out a prescription for some medication, which I was supposed to take two times a day.

After the exam, I went back to the reception area and paid the bill.

본문에 나오는 주요 단어와 발음청취

under the weather
형. 기후 탓으로 몸이 편치 않아, 궁색하여

get worse
동. 더 나빠지다

명. 약속(만남을 위한); 임명, 지명; 재산권 지정(법); 설비(특히, 호텔이나 배에 필요한)

명. 서류를 다루는 일; 사무, 행정업무

명. 징조, 징후

동. 젖을 먹이다; 양육하다; 의료처치를 제공하다; 돌보다; 간호사로 일하다;
명. 간호사; 유모, 애보는 사람

명. 시험, 특정과목의 학식을 평가하기위해 만들어진 시험; 검사, 조사

명. 온도; 체온; 열, 고열

blood pressure

명. 진단, 진단법

명. 감염, 오염; 병균 감염; 타락시킴; 감염시키는 것, 병균

형. 의학 처방의; 처방에 의해서만 판매되는
명. 처방 (의학); 지시, 규정, 명령

명. 약물 치료; 약물

명. 수취, 받아들임; 환대, 응접; 허가, 가입; (호텔 등의) 접수구

동. 비용을 치르다, 지불하다; 변제하다; 이익을 주다, 가치가 있다

동. 계산서를 보내다; 알리다, 광고하다
명. 계산서, 청구서; 증권, 어음; 부리; 주둥이; 닻혀의 끝; 의안

source : ES-0013-P.mp3


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