영 어

In Search of Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth

[ESL] : Discount Clothing Store

2009-09-15 1643

반복 청취후 발음이 숙달되면, 끄고 큰소리로 본문을 읽어 보세요.

One of my favorite places to shop is a discount clothing store in my town.

The store sells both new and used clothing, but everything is in good condition, and the prices are unbeatable.

All of the clothing is hanging on racks for you to see, and there are sections for children, men, and women's clothing.

If you find something you like, you can try it on in the dressing room.

If it doesn't fit, or you don't like the way it looks on you (that is, it's too tight or baggy on you), then you can just return it to the rack.

A price tag on the clothing indicates its price, but if you find a flaw in the clothing, you might be able to receive an additional discount.

The store will also alter your clothing for a small fee.

Once you've decided on the items you want, you can purchase everything at the checkout counter.

The store accepts cash, debit and credit cards, and personal checks.

If you decide later that you want to return something, you have two weeks to return it to the store, with the receipt, for a full refund or store credit.

본문에 나오는 주요 단어와 발음청취

형. 특히 선호하는, 특히 좋아하는
명. 좋아하는 것; 가장 좋아하는 사람, 가장 좋아하는 것;

형. 이길 수 없는, 패배시킬 수 없는

동. 고문하다, 괴롭히다
명. 선반; 물건을 거는 걸이; 동물의 먹이통

부. 꼭 끼게, 단단히

형. 헐렁한, 부푼, 불룩한

price tag
가격표, 가굑표를 단 꼬리표

동. 나타내다; 가리키다; 표시하다; 암시하다; 전시하다, 드러내다; 제시하다

명. 흠, 결점; 틈; 돌풍, 강한 바람

형. 부가적인, 보충하는

동. (부분적 특징을) 바꾸다, 변형시키다; 거세시키다; 달라지다, 변하다

명. 세금; 제공된 서비스에 대한 지불금; 입장료; 수수료; 봉건 영지
동. 요금을 치르다, 특히 팁이나 사례금을 주다

동. 사다, 구입하다; 얻다, 취득하다

checkout counter
명, 계산대

동. 받아들이다, 수리하다, 수락하다, 허락하다; 동의하다, 합의하다

명. 영수증

full refund
전액 돌려받기

source : ES-0011-P.mp3


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