영 어

In Search of Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth

Kennedy Death Raises Issue of Succession

2009-08-25 1717

반복 청취후 발음이 숙달되면, 끄고 큰소리로 본문을 읽어 보세요.

Kennedy's Death Raises Issues of Succession

The death of Edward M. Kennedy immediately raises the question of who will succeed the Senator - and how quickly - as Congress is embroiled in a bitter battle over plans to overhaul the nation's health care system.

One of Senator Kennedy's last public acts before he died on Tuesday was an emotional plea to Massachusetts state lawmakers that they replace him quickly upon his death. Though he did not cite any issues specifically, his note was viewed as an acknowledgment that his absence would leave uncertain not only identity of his replacement, but also the essence and fate of health care reform, his most cherished legislative goal.

In the letter, dated July 2, Mr. Kennedy asked lawmakers to amend the state's rules and grant the governor the power to appoint his successor until a special election could be held.

"It is vital for this Commonwealth to have two voices speaking for the needs of its citizens and two votes in the Senate during the approximately five months between a vacancy and a special election," he wrote.
While Massachusetts voters would likely vote in another Democratic Senator, any delays caused by a special election could hinder efforts by the party to corral the 60 votes needed in the United States Senate to move health care legislation forward.

But the effort to find a quick replacement for Mr. Kennedy may prove complicated. In the week before his death, reaction to his request on Beacon Hill ranged from muted to hostile. The state's Democrats found themselves in the awkward position of being asked to reverse their own 2004 initiative calling for special elections in such instances.

Until that year, Massachusetts law called for the governor to appoint a temporary replacement if a Senate seat became vacant. But when Senator John Kerry, a Democrat, was running for president in 2004, the Democratic-controlled state legislature wanted to deny the governor at the time - Mitt Romney, a Republican - the power to name a successor if Mr. Kerry won. The resulting law requires a special election within 145 to 160 days after the vacancy occurs.

본문에 나오는 주요 단어와 발음청취

형. 충돌하는, 반복하는

동. 고치다; 전체적으로 고치다; 수리전에 결점을 검사하다; 따라잡다
명. 개혁, 혁신, 고치기; 전반적인 수리; 수리전 결함에 대한 전반적 검사

명. (법) 탄원, 소원; 변명, 항변; 피고측의 항변

동. 늦추다; 방해하다, 막다

동. 늦추다; 방해하다, 막다

명. 가축 우리, 울타리쳐진 자리; 야영지 주위를 둥글게 마차로 진을 친 것

형. 쑥스러운, 거북한, 불편한; 어색한, 서투른, 꼴사나운; 위축된; 다루기 힘든

명. 주도, 추진; 야망; 기업심; 시작단계, 첫단계
형. 시작의, 처음의

명. 예, 경우; 사례, 예증; 소송 (법); 긴급 (옛말); 실현값 (컴퓨터)

source : ID-0009-P.mp3


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