영 어

In Search of Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth

A Calendar Quirk Stretches the Season

2009-08-25 1793

반복 청취후 발음이 숙달되면, 끄고 큰소리로 본문을 읽어 보세요.

A Calendar Quirk Stretches the Season

In one of those calendar quirks that can sneak up you, Labor Day, the marker of summer's conclusion, arrives as late as it possibly can this year, on Sept. 7.

With Memorial Day having shown up on May 25, its earliest arrival, this has been one very, very long summer.

It hasn’t always felt that way, of course, since it did nothing but rain for so much of the season. But long it has been.

Since a lot of people don't focus on exactly when Labor Day appears until it's practically staring them in the face, the date hit some as new information.

"I only found out when my wife told me two weeks ago," said Dr. Norman Sussman, a professor and interim chairman of the psychiatry department at the New York University School of Medicine.

"It came as a pleasant surprise."

He was not the only one caught off guard. When he glanced at his appointment book the other day, he noticed that the front desk people had booked patients for Sept. 7.

Forget that. He had to bump them to other dates.

As much as parents cherish their children, many don’t mind when they are sent off to school right at the start of September.

But schools like to get going after Labor Day. Last year, New York City began classes on Sept. 2. This year, it is Sept. 9.

Rayshell Byers, 14, who lives in Harlem, has no problem with the delay in her starting high school. "This week is a beautiful gift," she said.

Zachary Fine, 16, who was fishing recently in Prospect Park, likewise saw utility in the extra time. "Very few people want to go back to school," he said. "It gives us more time to dread it."

Many school districts in the region are opening earlier, however, ushering students back before Labor Day, which, if not unconstitutional, seems rather rude.

Bosses are not necessarily jubilant. Summer tends to endow employees with a license to slide in a bit later, slide out a bit earlier, stretch that lunch break close to eternity. What's more, business in many industries tends to be sluggish until after Labor Day.

"My personal reaction is, it's more time to enjoy summer," said Tony Garriett, 45, a clothing sales associate in Manhattan. "But my business reaction is that it will make the fall tough."

Dawn Simon, senior marketing manager of the Queens Center Mall in Elmhurst, said that she did not really know whether it was better to have an early Labor Day or a late Labor Day.

She did note that the latter "can be a procrastinator's dream, because they can take advantage of sales that go on into Labor Day."

Other dislocations. Many events, like outdoor summer music series, are already over, yet the summer is still chugging along.

Broadway in Bryant Park, for example, finished way back on Aug. 13.

And it is now one more week before people without permit stickers can park at beaches like those speckling the Hamptons.

본문에 나오는 주요 단어와 발음청취

명. 이상한 습관, 기벽; 발뺌, 교활한 회피; 벗어남, 굽어짐; 경구; 멋부려 쓰기

sneak up
동. 살금살금 들어오다; 비겁한 행동을 하다; (속어) 좀도둑질하다; 일러 바치다

형. 잠정적인, 일시적인
명. 중간 기간; 일시 협정

명. 정신의학, 정신병학

부. 게다가, 덧붙여, 또한; 마찬가지로, 비슷하게

동. 두려워하다; 걱정하다; 경외하다
명. 공포, 두려움

형. 위헌의, 헌법에 어긋나는

형. (승리하여) 좋아하는, 기뻐하는, 의기양양한

동. 재산을 증여하다; 능력이나 자질을 부여하다

형. 느린, 비활동적인; 게으른, 나태한; (정신이) 둔한, 무딘

명. 영원, 영겁; 사후시간, 내세

명. 탈구; 혼란된 조건; 분열

동. 칙칙폭폭하는 엔진 소리를 내다; 엔진소리를 내며 움직이다

동. 작은 반점을 찍다, 얼룩지게 하다

The Hamptons
롱아일랜드 동쪽에 있는 뉴욕주 카운티

source : ID-0015-P.mp3


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