United States

In Search of Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth

South Ice Cave [0016]

2020-08-08 1021
 La Pine, Oregon (OR)

Searching for ice spouts in a deep volcanic cave

With regret that I could not see Newberry's volcanic cave because of the pandemics, this time I visited South Ice Cave, where ice was frozen in a volcanic cave that no one was visiting for it situated in the deep mountains. There was a very cold wind coming out of the cave's throat, and in anticipation of ice hiding somewhere, I explored the dark cave with a small flashlight.

팬데믹으로 Newberry의 화산동굴을 보지 못한 아쉬움으로 이번에는 깊은 산중 아무도 찾지 않는 곳의 화산동굴로 얼음이 언다는 South Ice Cave를 찾았다. 동굴의 목구멍에서는 아주 찬 바람이 나오고 있어, 어느 곳엔가는 얼음이 숨어 있을 것같은 기대감으로 어두운 동굴을 작은 손전등에 의지하여 탐사해 보았다.

source : 5brVk4gXYjo


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